The Key to Your Life

KeysCurrently, I only use two keys.  It feels good.  It means I am not responsible for much.  I do not unlock a church anymore or even a desk.  So, in a way, the keys on your key ring tell others about you, about your life.

Most will have a house key, but you could also have a key to a cabin.  A car key, or two.  A key to your company’s building, company’s vehicle, your office door, or just your desk.  You could have a boat key.  One for your gym locker, gun locker, school locker, or even a foot locker.  But what if your key ring had one to your lover’s apartment, or to a lock box that no one else knew about?  Are there secrets to your life that require a hidden key?

Jesus knows about every key you poses.  Hidden or otherwise.  Jesus has keys too.  Rev 1:18   “I’m Alive. I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever. See these keys in my hand? They open and lock Death’s doors, they open and lock Hell’s gates.” (MSG)  The only key that really matters in this life is the one that unlocks your heart.  Who, or what, have you given that key to?  I hope you have given it to Jesus.  Doing so, says you trust him with everything that is important to you.  Everything you value, even your very life.


Copyright © 2017 Mark Brady, All rights reserved


Life’s Speed Bumps

speedbumpMy daughter once said, “Squirrels are God’s little speed bumps.”  I’m not saying I agree.  I realized something this past week as I talked to some people.  They were telling me of the trouble they are currently having in their lives.  I felt bad for them.  Then I thought it seems as if there is always so much drama in their lives that they don’t have time to focus on the important things in their life.  Maybe another way to say it is this; they are so busy putting out fires, they never spend time preventing them.

I once told a friend concerning my failed marriage, “I was so busy repairing I never got time to build.”  A good marriage is something important in life.  Teaching your children how to live life right is important as well.  But of course the most important thing in life is deciding where you want to spend eternity.  Yes, it is your decision.

So where does all this trouble come from?  Circumstances; sure.  Most likely as a result of poor decisions.  But consider another source; the devil.  In John 10:10 Jesus said, “Satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy.  That means steal your time, destroy relationships, and includes killing your soul.  Then Jesus said, “But I have come so that you may have life.  Abundant life.”  He doesn’t want you to live life on earth suffering.  Jesus wants to help you with living life.  He can and will once you accept him as God’s son and invite him to be the Lord of your life.  Once you do that read about him, study him in the Bible.  He will help you get over life’s speed bumps more smoothly.

Copyright © 2017 Mark Brady, All rights reserved

Something’s Fishy

I went fishing with my father this past week.  In a few hours we caught 50 sand bass.  As we were catching them we discussed how many there must be in the lake, and how random they must be swimming in order to find our lures.  Catching them seemed too easy.

The next day I was reading from Habakkuk 2 (yes that is a real book of the Bible found in the old testament) where it talked about fish “swimming without direction, swimming, but not getting anywhere.”  It made me wonder about people and the lives they live.  Is there purpose in their lives?  Is there purpose in your life?  Direction?  I hope so.

God made each of us for a reason and a purpose.  If you don’t know yours then ask Him.  Seek his will for your life.  He has a reason for gifting you the way he did.  No one can do what you can.

Copyright 2017 Mark Brady

Do You Trust Me?

Trust.  It’s hard to trust someone else, and sometimes even ourselves.  God, throughout the centuries has asked people to trust Him.  Some did, others didn’t, but most did so with some fear and trepidation.  Another thing that is difficult is change.  Either change a job, a living location, but the hardest thing to change is yourself.  Putting the two things together will just about overwhelm you!

Whenever God calls you to change an area of your life, take it from me, it is best to blindly believe, and then obey.  Will you know how it will all work out?  Probably not.  Will you know ahead of time how you will make it?  No!  But the point is; God does.  That is where the trust comes into play.

One thing I have learned, the hard way, is God loves obedience.  When you figure out a direction God wants you to go, and then you go when the time is right He blesses you like nothing you have experienced before.  So when God asks you that question, say, “Yes”.

copyright 2017 Mark Brady


The Best Day of My Life

070315_26I used to think the best day of my life was the day I retired.  I no longer have to work.
Then I thought the best day of my life was the day my granddaughter was born.  I experienced such joy.
The day my daughter was born was a great day too.  She smiled, my heart melted.
The day my son was born, wow, I beamed as he held my finger when I took his hand.
My wedding day was awesome.  This beautiful woman accepted me, and said, “I do.”
Graduating college was a good day.  A little more meaningful than finishing high school.

Those were good days of my life, but the best day, was the day I accepted God’s free gift of salvation through his son, Jesus.  For it was God who got me to those great days, and through them, and all of the ones that weren’t so great.

In reality though, the best day of my life will be my last one.  The day I die.  (Don’t worry, I’m not rushing it.)  You see, on that day, because I gave my life to God, and have done my best to live according to his word, and have asked for forgiveness for the times I didn’t, when I die, I will enter into heaven.  No more pain.  No more hurts, disappointments, or tears.  That, will be the best day of my life!

Copyright © 2017 Mark Brady, All rights reserved