Wisdom from God’s Word

Work is tough.  Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and He told them that work would be hard, it has been just that.  I grew up believing in the American dream.  That a person could find employment doing something they enjoyed.  At first I did, but over the years things have changed.  Now, work is hard and it isn’t enjoyable at all.  There are good moments, but mainly those moments are on a personal level.

In these current times we, who try our best to be Godly, are often thrown under the bus, lied about, ridiculed, and mistreated even though some of the treatment goes against the business code of conduct.rev-1

If I had things my way I would be living in an RV, traveling across America, writing.  I want this kind of life.  I desire this life with everything in my heart.  Then I read Proverbs 16:9:

We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.

My faith in God requires that I believe this from God’s word.  More importantly, I live it.  The worst thing I could do is try to make the life I so desperately want happen.  I yield to the truth that if God wants it to happen, then it will, but in His timing, and in His way.  Hopefully doing so will help me to be wise.

Decision 2016

decision-2016“Hi.  My name is Jesus Christ.  I’m not running for your vote to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for I already am.  I do give you promises though.  I promise to never leave you nor forsake you.  I promise to love you and accept you even if no one else does.  I promise to stick closer to you than a brother, and unlike others, I never break my promises.  Also if you bring to my house just 10% of what I have already given you I promise to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon you.”

“You can count on me to be there for you.  To help you with your life.  Help you in making key decisions.  To help in dealing with relationships with those around you.  I came that you may have life, and to have it more abundantly, and above all else I died for you, so that you can live forever in heaven.”

Make a decision today to accept me.  You don’t even have to wait until November 8th.  You can accept me early.  My name is Jesus Christ, and I approve this ad.”

Is it 10:00?

“Betty, what are you doing?” asked the caregiver.

“I have to get dressed.  I have a 10:00 appointment.”

“Its 2:00 Betty.”

“Morning, or afternoon?”


She helped Betty get back into her hospital bed.  Betty tried this again two more times.

“But I have an appointment at 10:00.  I need to get dressed.”

“Betty, you don’t have an appointment today at 10.”

“Yes I do.”

“Here, let me help you get comfortable in your bed.”

Betty went to be with Jesus at 10:24 AM.

This is a true story.  Betty was my great aunt.  I wrote about her on her 97th birthday this past January.  I once told her that she has lived so long her friends, already in heaven, might think she passed and went the other direction.  In another conversation, “Your place, that Jesus promises to make for us in heaven, must really be something, because it has taken a long time to get it ready.”

We all have an appointment to keep one day.  When we too will stand before God.  I hope you’re ready like my aunt was.

“I love you Aunt Betty!  I’m going to miss you, but I’m glad you are home.”

Aunt Betty 97


What Have You Abandoned?


from Pinterest

I can’t explain it really, but I have this unusual attraction to places that once were.  A place that once was for fun, work, family, or God.  An old amusement park, an abandoned factory, a dilapidated house, but especially a deserted church.


from Pinterest

I can understand an amusement park fails to draw crowds.  A factory used to make things that are no longer needed, or wanted.  A family leaves a house for any number of reasons, and the house never catches the eye of a new owner.  But a church?  Yes I know a church is truly its people, but there is something very sad to me when I see a church building that has been abandoned.


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Did God fail to draw a crowd?  Did He stop providing what people needed?  Has He not caught the eye of a new convert?  The answer is, “No.”  God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb. 13:8)  So if God did not fail then what happened?

Did the people that once entered its doors, and gathered inside abandon


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God?  I hope not.  There are lots of things worth abandoning in life, but God?  Never.  A destructive life pattern, although it may be fun, yes.  A job that doesn’t fully meet your needs?  Yes.  A house you or your family have out grown?  Perhaps, but God?  No.  It is when you need to abandon other things in life, you need God the most.  To lead you, guide you, and help you.  I pray you never abandon God, for He will never abandon you.