There’s No Formula!

Charlie 110Because it worked for an individual, a certain way, in a certain amount of time, doesn’t mean it will for you.  I’ve noticed over the years, people will flock to hear a person tell how God moved in their life to reach others.  Or to hear what they did before God healed them.  There is nothing wrong with listening to someone give their testimony, but people think if they duplicate what the person did, it will happen for them, so they take notes, and list each step as if it’s a formula or a recipe.  They think, “Well, if I pray as much as they did, or quit my job to fully devote my time to God.”  The danger is this; if the individual does all the same steps, but doesn’t get the same result then they can get discouraged, dissatisfied, disgruntled and disappointed with themselves or even with God.

Have you noticed in the Bible there is only one Noah, one Samson, one King David, and only one Paul?  God is creative, and he loves to do a fresh thing in the life of a hungry believer.  There may never be another mega church builder like Joel Osteen, evangelist like Billy Graham, or philanthropist like Warren Buffet!

When I started writing, I was imitating one of my favorite authors, Max Lucado.  One day God whispered to me, “Mark, what are doing?”  I replied, “I’m writing God.”  “But why are you trying to write like Max Lucado?” Asked God.  “Because, he’s successful.”  Then he said, “Mark, I already have a Max Lucado writing for me.  I want you to write like you.  The way I made you.”

So what does one do when they desire to be used of God, healed, married, or anything else?  Simply focus on being the bride of Christ.  Become intimate with him.  You know how it is said a married couple starts to look alike?  Well, start looking like Jesus.  Act like him, love like he does.  Abide in Christ.  Stay connected to the vine, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV)  Also, Matthew 6:7-13 (MSG) “The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They’re full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don’t fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply.”

God made you specific, and unique.  Do what he wants you to do, the way he wants to do it through you, and it will be great, because it will be for his Glory!

Copyright © 2019 Mark Brady.  All rights reserved.