Story Time

photo by: garten-gg via Pixabay

I used to wonder why I remembered most events in my life. And it seemed as if in great detail. Or why would I remember other’s events or stories? Or how I could recall a profound statement years later. In the past, I would say, “Oh well.” But as I started writing, I realized I tapped into those memories to introduce a topic or illustrate a point. Like I am about to do now.

Today, I recognize it is the way I am wired. I recall those “stories” in living color, and I would dare say, with accuracy. I know others tend to “twist” or “change” some details of an event or conversation, usually to make themselves look better. As difficult as it may be, I do my best to remember the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me, God. I can do this because I strive to be honest in my heart about facts and myself. Therefore, I am not tempted to “edit” the story.

God knew someday I would use how He wired me to write. Usually, I will see or hear something, triggering a memory of an event, statement, or story. Shortly after that, a spiritual value will come to mind. I pray over it to see if it is something God wants me to share in a blog. If so, I have to write it down immediately or risk forgetting it. You should see how many “Post-It” notes I have pinned to a corkboard on the wall beside my desk. I am a Storyteller. One of my favorite stories to tell is, Jesus’. From his supernatural birth to unselfish death and between the start and finish of his life, is love.

So, how has God wired you? What gifts, talents, or skills has He placed inside of you that He hopes you will give back to use for his glory? Don’t think for a minute that you aren’t good enough. If you place it in his hands, He will bless and multiply it. The Holy Spirit will hover over it, and God will say, “It is good.”

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer. 29:11 (NIV)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Jer. 1:5 (NIV)

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Pt. 4:10 (NIV)

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady.

Have You Considered?

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Covering of protection

Have you ever considered what your breaking point would be in life?  How much you could take?  What could you handle, but what is too much?  Severe sickness of you, or of the ones you love the most?  Losing your entire net worth?  Being abandoned by the very ones you thought cared the most about you?

“And the Lord said to Satan, Have you considered My servant Job?”  Satan replied, “Have You not put a hedge (a covering) about him and his house and all that he has, on every side?” (Job 1:8 & 10 AMP)

God, because of Job’s relationship with him, had put a covering over him, or had his hand over him, so the results of a fallen, sinful, world could not affect Job, his family, or his possessions.  Once I got really angry at one of my neighbors.  I was so mad, I wanted to harm her, but I didn’t.  Instead I prayed and asked God to take revenge on her for hurting me,  After all, “Don’t insist on getting even; that’s not for you to do. “I’ll do the judging,” says God. “I’ll take care of it.” (Rom. 12:19 MSG)  One day I asked God what happens when he gets vengeance on someone.  He whispered back, “I slowly remove my hand from their life.”

I shuttered!  As time went on, I witnessed my neighbor losing her job, experiencing vandalism, and worst yet, the death of her oldest daughter.  I prayed for her.  I know God was hoping she would stop resisting him, and in turn, run to him.  She finally did.

Job resisted the temptation to blame God for his troubles and die, but eventually repented of his prideful way of thinking.  Then God restored everything back to him and doubled what he had lost.  Could you have handled such loss?  Or perhaps the better question is this, would God ever say to Satan, “Have you considered my servant: __________?“ (fill in blank with your name)

Copyright © 2018 Mark Brady, All rights reserved

Whew!  Sundays Over!

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Photo by Michael Wall of Wall2Wall Foto

A girl in my 11th grade English class once said, “I love being Catholic!  I can have my sins forgiven Saturday night, and then live like hell the rest of the week.”  Now, I’m just quoting her and not saying a thing about the Catholic faith, so please, no emails.  I’m not Catholic, but being honest, have had similar thoughts.  Only mine are more like, “Ok.  I got the Sunday thing done.  Now, I can indulge my flesh.”

A fight, a struggle.  I want to do the right thing.  I want to please and obey God, but I find no matter how long I have been doing this, I still struggle with thoughts of wanting to do what I want to do.  Some are just down right thoughts of being lazy.

The great apostle Paul struggled as well.

Rom 7:18  I realize that I don’t have what it takes. I can will it, but I can’t do it.
Rom 7:19  I decide to do good, but I don’t really do it; I decide not to do bad, but then I do it anyway. (MSG)

So how, or what are we to do then?  1) Of course ask God to help us.  We will never be able to do it on our own.  2) Bring every thought into captivity.  Be honest about the thought, and if it is a bad thought then start looking for the door that has a sign above it that reads, “EXIT”.  God promises to make a way of escape.  Sometimes that exit may be praying.  Have you ever sinned while praying?  I haven’t.  Leave the room.  See what your family is doing, or call a friend.  And if they are a trusted friend, tell them you are struggling.

My classmate, I mentioned in the beginning, was married.  Her husband shoved a shotgun in her mouth and pulled the trigger before that school year was over.  I have often wondered what God thinks when people live like she did on a regular basis.  I yield my opinions to God.  This one thing I know for sure:  I can overcome, because Jesus overcame first, and so can you.

Copyright © 2018 Mark Brady, All rights reserved

Call of Duty

A hurt soul needs a mender.
One rejected needs acceptance.
A depressed one needs to be encouraged.
One feeling like a waste needs to know their value.
A person struggling with an addiction needs a cheerleader.
Someone down and out needs a break.
One near the edge needs hope.
A person ill needs healing.
Someone lonely needs a friend.

peopleThe list, could go on.  The truth is, these individuals need Jesus.  Most do not think to turn to him, because they can’t see him, but they can see you.  In a time, when our world is in so much pain, those who know Jesus, and has the hope he provides, needs to answer the call of duty.

God has placed you where he needs you.  You’re the one, who can take the time, speak a word, or give a hug.  You may never know the impact of taking a risk of faith to say, go or do, but one day you will.  “Do not be afraid,” the angel of the Lord would say to you.  The more you reach out, the more you say, and the more you come along side someone, you will find it strengthens you, encourages you, and increases your faith to do more. God will lead you, as you are his servant, saving lives.

Keep one thing in mind; there was someone, just like you, who took the time to be there for you, and shared the love of Jesus with you.

Copyright © 2018 Mark Brady, All rights reserved


Check it out:
Touching, Spirit filled, sincere, encouraging words:

The Key to Your Life

KeysCurrently, I only use two keys.  It feels good.  It means I am not responsible for much.  I do not unlock a church anymore or even a desk.  So, in a way, the keys on your key ring tell others about you, about your life.

Most will have a house key, but you could also have a key to a cabin.  A car key, or two.  A key to your company’s building, company’s vehicle, your office door, or just your desk.  You could have a boat key.  One for your gym locker, gun locker, school locker, or even a foot locker.  But what if your key ring had one to your lover’s apartment, or to a lock box that no one else knew about?  Are there secrets to your life that require a hidden key?

Jesus knows about every key you poses.  Hidden or otherwise.  Jesus has keys too.  Rev 1:18   “I’m Alive. I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever. See these keys in my hand? They open and lock Death’s doors, they open and lock Hell’s gates.” (MSG)  The only key that really matters in this life is the one that unlocks your heart.  Who, or what, have you given that key to?  I hope you have given it to Jesus.  Doing so, says you trust him with everything that is important to you.  Everything you value, even your very life.


Copyright © 2017 Mark Brady, All rights reserved


Your Permanent Record

permanent-record“This is going on your ‘Permanent Record’ young man!”  Remember hearing that in school?  Has anyone ever seen their “Permanent Record”?  I haven’t.  Was that a threat to get us to have better behavior and grades?  Perhaps.

God sees and hears everything we say and do.  He also knows the attitude of our hearts when our behavior is on display.  Now if anyone was going to keep a permanent record it would be Him, and in fact He does.  There will be a day when EVERYONE will stand before God, and give an account for how they lived their life, attitudes, words toward others and everything.

At the end of that time before God He will simply look in a big book (The Book of Life) and see if your name has been “blotted” out, or if it still remains.  If your name remains that means you had accepted God’s son Jesus, and his death on the cross paid for all of your wrong doing.

Rev 20:11-15   I saw a Great White Throne and the One Enthroned. Nothing could stand before or against the Presence, nothing in Heaven, nothing on earth.  And then I saw all the dead, great and small, standing there–before the Throne! And books were opened. Then another book was opened: the Book of Life. The dead were judged by what was written in the books, by the way they had lived.  Sea released its dead, Death and Hell turned in their dead. Each man and woman was judged by the way he or she had lived.  Then Death and Hell were hurled into Lake Fire. This is the second death–Lake Fire.  Anyone whose name was not found inscribed in the Book of Life was hurled into Lake Fire. (MSG)

Copyright © 2017 Mark Brady, All rights reserved

Be the You He Knew

20160529_132228Jer 1:4 This is what GOD said:
Jer 1:5 “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations– that’s what I had in mind for you.”

Most of the time it is ourselves that hinder ourselves.  For some reason we tend to believe what others have spent a time speaking into us, whether true or not.  Peter J Daniels wrote a book* where he told his 2nd grade teacher she was wrong about him.  While I was reading it I kept thinking I sure hope this woman is already dead, because this would embarrass her to death.  The point of the book is this; don’t let others tell you who you are, or what you will become.

Empty yourself, of everything you know isn’t true.  Be the person who God is constantly reminding you, you are.  The person He has made you to be.  He whispers it in your soul.  It may sound like you for God isn’t going to use words that are not in your vocabulary.  He’s not going to speak to you in Russian if you don’t know the language, and if it is something that is positive, loving, uplifting and lines up with God’s word then it can’t be the devil speaking that inside you.  Why doesn’t God use his own voice to speak to you?  Well, for one, it would probably scare you, and two, you are not Moses standing barefoot next to a burning bush.

The best way to hear God is one, learn His voice.  That means invite him to speak to you, and pray that when he does you will know it is him.  Secondly get in a habit of getting quiet.  For me that is sometimes when I am in the car.  I turn off the music, which at times bothers me, because I enjoy singing.  I’m good at it.  No, really I am.  On more than one occasion people at a stop light will roll up their window because they just can’t take the awesomeness any longer.  Know the kind of things God would speak to you.  You do this by reading His word, you know the “Bible”.

Yes there are times God will speak to you through another person, but you will know when that is happening because it will feel very familiar.  Why is that?  Because most likely His Spirit has been whispering similar words to you for a while.  Mothers, fathers, teachers, friends, please be careful of the words you speak into someone else, especially a child, for they just might be listening.

* ” Miss Phillips, You Were Wrong: A Formula to Handle Rejection” Hardcover – 1989

Just Who Do You Think You Are?

Distorted 2I was part of a group of people once that was setting out to accomplish a certain task.  We had several meetings before we left so we could get to know each other and to have a clear understanding of what our goal was and what it was not.  Everything went great, with no hints of a future issue until we got to our destination.  We no more hit the ground when one individual became someone they didn’t reveal beforehand.  The next thing we started realizing is this one individual had their own agenda and goals.  Worse yet, as they went about to achieve their goals they hurt others on the team by being rude, condescending, and hurtful.  I wanted to ask them, “Just who do you think you are?”

Consider Psalms 69:5:  God, you know every sin I’ve committed; My life’s a wide-open book before you.

God knows who you are better than you know yourself.  Wouldn’t it be better to be your true self at all times then?  To be an open book in front of everyone?  So anyone who meets you sees the real you no matter what setting you are in?  Perhaps that individual in the group was thinking, if I show who I really am I may not be allowed to go on this trip.  I don’t honestly know what they were thinking, and in spite of them, the main goals set by the team were met, but there were souls wounded in the process, and the worst part of that is it was from friendly fire.

I have recently heard from an old friend.  In the process of catching up I told them they could ask me anything.  I told them, “My life is an open book where God’s the author.”  I went on to say that the chapters I tried to write are messy.

Be open with people.  Be honest.  Be who you are.  You won’t be all smooth and polished, for no one is perfect yet, but at least others who encounter you will know what they are getting into when they get to know you.  That you too, like them, are a work in progress.  Last night in a conversation with a friend where we were talking about how imperfect we are at times he asked, “Why do you think God continues to love us and put up with us?”  I thought for a minute and replied, “Because He must think we are worth it.”  He knows who we are, but He keeps His focus on who we can be in Him.