God is Funny

Some may think that God doesn’t have a sense of humor. Others might say, “Oh yeah? Look at some of the creatures on Earth.” I would say He is. I mean, we are created in His image, and we laugh because of something funny.

When April and I first met, we argued about who was funnier. She finally conceded that I was although she has her moments! Well, the other day, I was playing a game on my phone titled “4 Pics 1 Word.” I play it when I have some downtime, like when waiting for April to get off work. Another reason I play it is to try to keep my mind sharp. I think it is slipping some, which bothers me. I have often prided myself on having problem-solving skills and not overlooking things. This is not funny, but last weekend, I was looking toward the south, hoping to see the Northern Lights. I didn’t and I do know my directions very well.

The game shows you four pictures and several scrambled letters that contain the word that links the pics together. (See the above picture of the game at level 1.) It sounds easy, but there are challenging levels. The goal is to figure out the word by looking at the four pictures. I was on a “Super Hard Level,” and I was struggling. I tried off and on for hours to figure it out but couldn’t. I refused to pay for help with my game coins, too. The four photos were of firewood stacked up, a wind generator, an old minor, and a large library.

I was about to go to bed defeated for the day when I suddenly heard in my spirit, “Why don’t you ask me?” I laughed and replied, “God, you don’t play games.” Now, I have written several times about asking God anything because He is a know-it-all. And I mean that with deep respect. So, after a moment, I said, “Okay, God. What is the word?” Immediately, I heard, “Resource.” I tried it, and it worked. That was the word. I started laughing so hard and said, “God, you are so funny!”

Here again, I am telling you that God loves you and me so much. He sincerely cares about us and what matters to us. He wants to help us with our lives. Usually, He is dealing with matters of health, emotions, and finances. God is our “Resource” for life. Did you see what I did there? LOL. I hope you have the kind of relationship with God, the Creator of the universe, as I do. He is a living God and not a statue or teacher who has lived, taught and has since passed away. You can talk to Him, and He will answer. And once in a while, He might be that friend that you phone for help with a game.

Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand). Jer. 33:3 (AMPC)

Side note:
An example of God’s humor is the instance in which the Israelites were using the Ark of the Covenant like a good-luck charm in taking it to battle, and the Philistines ended up capturing it and placing it in their temple before their idol of Dagon. They came into the temple the next day and found Dagon flat on his face before the ark. They set him back up. The next morning, there he was again, but this time he had his hands and head cut off as a symbol of his powerlessness before the God of the ark (1 Samuel 5:1-5). God’s putting Dagon in a position of submission to His ark is a comical picture.
(Source: https://www.gotquestions.org)

Copyright © 2024 Mark Brady  All Rights Reserved

One thought on “God is Funny

  1. Looking for the Northern Lights in the southern sky? 😂 Sounds like something I would do! Oddly, when there was recently a grand show of them in a huge section of the country, our pastor was in Iceland. I said to his mom, “I bet he saw some spectacular Northern Lights there!” she replied, “He didn’t see any. He was TOO far north!” Go figure. (One of God’s jokes?)

    P. S. I love the Dragon story, too! 🤣

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