Go Do It

This past Sunday, my local church started a new series. The series happens every year. It’s one of our favorite times of the year. It’s called “At the MOVIES.” Our senior pastor teaches biblical applications via a movie. He will show segments from the movie and then talk about them, much like Jesus told parables to illustrate the principles of living a life for God. The church lobby is also transformed and looks like a movie set. There’s even popcorn! It’s an easy time to invite others to join us at church who may not usually go.

This week’s movie was “Top Gun: Maverick.” Normally I’m not too fond of sequels, but I loved this one. It was amazing how Pastor Craig Groeschel inspired, taught, and encouraged us to teach others. He explained how time was our greatest adversary. Jesus is coming back soon for his church, and the end of life on earth will begin.

I started sensing the Holy Spirit nudging me. God wants me to keep doing what I’m doing. I was beginning to think about quitting. Stop writing. Stop blogging because I’m tired. Then, a scripture that has kept me going came upon the screen. It is called “The Great Commission.”

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Mat. 28:19-20 (KJV)

I was first challenged by this verse when I was a kid. I took it to heart. I wanted to do everything I could to fulfill it. I know I have to keep going. I had recently started praying that this blog would be read in Islamic countries. That is beginning to happen. This blog has now been read in 128 countries around the world. Why do I mention this? Because there are 195 countries. (Depending on the list you choose to use.) I can’t stop because there are 67 countries to go. I will keep writing, and keep praying for God’s help.

Is God calling you? Has the Holy Spirit been nudging you to get involved and do what you can to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or share your testimony with others? How God saved you from a life of destruction? Don’t feel like you are inadequate. God will help you, empower you, and even give you the right words. You can do it. Time is short, and many people still need to hear about the love of God and how He gave his Son to die on the cross so that they may live.

You can watch it online this week at You’re Welcome Here | Life.Church

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady.

Simply Beautiful!

I was on a road trip a few years back. It was one of those journeys where you simply don’t have an agenda and don’t mind where you wind up. On this particular one, I came around a long sweeping bend in the road, and suddenly, one of the most beautiful churches, no cathedral I had ever seen, stood. I think I was in Pennsylvania.

The pinnacles scratched the underneath side of heaven as they soared high. The sides of the enormously large structure glistened in the sunlight. Then I noticed it was built straddling a river. As I turned into its parking lot, I realized that the front of this edifice was cantilevered over a large waterfall. The rising mist from the falls made the building look like something from a fairytale or Disneyland. As I started walking toward the grand entrance, I could see that the river underneath split into two veins and there was a small island of rock between. The place was beautiful.

The inside was just as lovely. As I entered through the tall, sturdy glass doors, I noticed the ceilings were so high you could hardly see the top. Gold and silver furnishings accented the royal red carpet. It seemed like a church service would be starting soon, so I entered a massive room with a large collection of seats. I found one down front and placed a book in it to hold it.

I thought I had better find a bathroom before things started. I went back into the grand foyer and turned right. Many hallways lead away from there, and they had many doors. Even though I was no longer in the entryway, the beauty and elegance didn’t stop. Winding wood staircases, still covered in the same carpet as where I entered, led to other floors. The place looked like a museum with eye-pleasing artwork on the polished wooden walls. But no bathroom.

I could hear music from the auditorium, but I just had to stop and look through the window that gave you a stunning, breathtaking, up-close view of the water, falling over the rock cliff. There, I realized the exterior was made of stainless steel to keep it from rusting with the constant moisture and mist that enveloped it. The view made my desire to find a restroom even greater. I thought there had to be one near the entrance, so I returned. As I did, I saw what I assumed was the senior pastor dressed in a royal robe greeting people. Then I turned to my left and saw a small hallway. It was down this path I found what I was looking for. The bathroom. I opened the door, and it, too, was beautiful. Marble walls lined the room, and it almost seemed too nice for the business I needed.

Then, I woke up. And yes, I had to go to the bathroom.

As I pondered the dream, the following scripture came to mind:

As he walked away from the Temple, one of his disciples said, “Teacher, look at that stonework! Those buildings!”

Jesus said, “You’re impressed by this grandiose architecture? There’s not a stone in the whole works that is not going to end up in a heap of rubble.” Mark 13:1-2 (MSG)

Jesus went on to teach the few disciples who asked, about the end times. About what will happen on earth before Jesus comes to gather his bride. Those who have accepted him into their heart, into their life.

May your life shine for God. May it reflect His glory, power, splendor, and majesty! May it draw others to him through you. May people want to stop and be in the presence of God that dwells about you. May they be in awe of God and enquire, “Where’s the entrance?” How do I enter into the kind of life you live?” And then, at that moment, you can share God’s love and how He gave us such an enormous, extravagant gift in his son, Jesus.

Don’t be misled by big, successful-looking anything on earth. But instead, seek the spirit of it all. “Is this, or they, of God?” should be the question one asks. Don’t let the grandeur cloud your discernment. The message of salvation, Jesus dying on the cross to forgive us of our sins, is so simple. Even children can understand it and accept it. I did. That message is so loving one could sum it up by saying, “Simply beautiful.”

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

You Should Go

Photo by Max Fischer

Many have heard of the scripture from Proverbs 22:6:

Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it. (AMPC)

Perhaps more have placed a lot of hope in that verse. Hoping their wayward child, who is not living for God and not living up to who God has designed them to be, someday will. I am among them.

When I was recently praying for my children and reminding God of this verse, I noticed two words I had not focused on before. Those words are “should go.”  When I was training my children, I tried to live a life as a healthy example of one who exercises his free will to live for God. My children’s mother (my ex-wife) did not. Let’s face it, living by our flesh is easier.

God gives all of us “free will,” but the best life is when one lives with a good relationship with God. Then with his leading, uses the gifts He gave us or to the way we are bent. This is how all “should go.” There are other times when one “should go” as well.

One “should go” across the street to help a neighbor.

One “should go” apologies to their boss for making a mistake that cost the company money.

One “should go” to church and invite others who should also go with you.

One “should go” pitch in for an hour or two at the church. Only 10%, on average, get involved at a local church. The places and times one “should go” are endless. I know it is difficult to give up our free time or to make time for others or for God, but we should. One will never know the impact, until we get to heaven, of what our actions mean to someone else, and what in this world can change because we did go!

Of course, there are many places one “should not go.” I don’t think I need to list those, do I?

The key is in the “training.” I am convinced that it is never too late to train or re-train your mind in what it takes to live the life God intended for all of us but also specifically per our gifts and bent.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

Why Church?

My earliest memories are sitting in the back pew of a church. I was four years old. I remember the minister preaching Truth hard and loud. Some would classify his sermons as “hell fire and brimstone.” He always explained that the wages of sin, is death. Eternal death in hell.

A few years later, I accepted Jesus into my heart. I can honestly say the pastor’s messages scared the hell out of me! Even at that young age, I knew I was a sinner. You see, I was a convicted cookie thief who would later lie about it. “Convicted” because I had been found guilty by my mother. I knew dishonoring my parents and lying were both wrong. They were sin. I had learned that in church.

We went every time the doors were open, it seemed. As a result, I witnessed many signs and wonders. People got healed, repented of their sins, and had significant reformations in their lives. I learned how to minister to people and how to witness to pre-Christians (unbelievers). I had friends who believed in God like I did. I got to know them through the fellowship events that were held. I saw the Spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. Therefore I saw the supernatural. I learned about tithing and what a joy it was to give.

The supernatural is to get people’s attention for what God wants to do next.

So, why church? Why is it important?

  • People can find God there and accept Him. (Jer. 29:13)
  • People can get prayed for and find healing. (Mark 16:18b)
  • People can find friends who will become a community with them. (Acts 2:46)
  • People can learn how to minister. (Eph. 4:11)
  • People can give their tithes cheerfully. (Mal. 3:10)
  • People can learn how God is relevant in their lives.

The church I wrote about in the beginning is still there and thriving. At least 56 years and counting. The church should preach the entire Word of God (The Bible). A good, balanced church will do and be all six things listed above. I should mention that by the time I was seventeen, I finally realized that it was about having a two-way relationship with God, and that was the real reason to accept him. Not just to have “Fire Insurance!” Meaning, not to only escape eternity in hell. Realizing this has made life with God an exciting adventure.

Do we still need churches? Yes! As long as they are doing the work of God, for God, by God’s power, for His Glory and kingdom.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

We Need More Milk

It’s frustrating to be in the kitchen and discover you are out of something you need while you are cooking. That is why I try to keep a backup of the most basic items. That is also why I try to add an item to the next shopping list as soon as I realize we are running low on it, like milk. This practice requires the development and discipline of paying attention and being proactive.

Doing so, just makes life easier and makes it run smoother. More importantly than not running out of milk is not running out of God! What? Meaning it is critical that we continue to fill up on God. You can actually learn the signs of running low on God. Frustration, irritableness, and your faith can begin to wane. We fill up on God by attending church services, reading God’s word, and of course, praying. Each activity is like an added nutrient to the whole mixture.

Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both] alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving. Col. 4:2 (AMPC)

And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed. Jos. 1:8 (MSG)

You should not stay away from the church meetings, as some are doing. But you should meet together and encourage each other. Do this even more as you see the Day[a] coming. Heb. 10:25 (ICB)

So instead of saying, “Milk – It does a body good.” One should say, “God – He does everybody good.”

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

Following God

I have written about this subject several times over the years, but I still find it challenging. We want to be in God’s perfect will and follow God with all our might. We want to be where He wants us and do what He wants us to do. Many times, where that is and what that does not only benefit us, but He has orchestrated it to help others. To answer their prayers. God is so cool like that.

There are times when one must step out in faith. Must put down a deposit and lay out real money before the confirmation comes forth. That is when the difficulty of following him gets real. Real Scary, that is!

When reading the Bible, you come across several stories of individuals in similar situations. Whether they were asked to go to war with only 300 men or give birth to God’s Son, it was challenging for them.

To overcome this fear is to Know God. To know of his faithfulness to us. To know his word and the outcome of those testimonies in the Bible. Another way is to pray about the direction we are sensing in our lives with others. It is helpful to find people of like precious faith. That is one of the benefits of attending a local church. Also, there is nothing wrong with asking God to confirm his will and direction.

We can lean on his scriptures of promises. Like, “in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your path straight.” And “I know the plans I have for you.” Then sit back and watch God work. Observe how he puts people in your path at the right moment to assist you or to say an encouraging word. Notice how as you take practical steps, things will work out and be easy to accomplish.

So, take heart. You are not alone in this. Others are walking with God like you are. You may feel you are wobbling like a toddler learning to walk but keep putting one step in front of the other. Keep trusting and keep believing. You will get there. If you sit and wait for it all to work out before you take a step, you will most likely never reach the goal. I have often written that a parked car cannot be steered.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

Light in Louisville

“I’ll never go to Louisville, Kentucky again!” I proclaimed after having a bad experience.

Many years later, I found April online and went to the Philippines to meet her in person. A month later, I returned to the Philippians to marry her. April has two brothers and one sister. I could not meet April’s sister because she was living in Dubai and working as a nurse.

After my bad experience in Louisville, I considered it a dark place.

Little did I know, one day, April’s sister would join a company who finds nurses from around the world and brings them to America to fulfill the shortage of nurses we have here. She arrived with her husband and son in August of 2022. If you don’t see where this is going, she chooses to be a nurse in. of all places. Louisville.

When we learned that April’s company would be closed for twelve days over the holidays, I brought it to April’s attention that we should visit her sister and family for Christmas. It was challenging to wrap my head around the fact that I would be returning to Louisville, but giving April a chance to see her sister after three years was more important. Then I realized I had the opportunity to meet one of my most faithful blog readers in person. Ann Aschauer from the website I recently featured, “SEEKINGDIVINEWISDOM.COM”. Meeting Ann was awesome, and she is as delightful in person as she comes across in her blogs.

After emailing Ann and asking if we could meet, we decided to meet at her church on Christmas morning. While listening to the pastor preaching about Jesus, Emanual, the Prince of Peace, Counselor, and Savior, he referred to him as “the Light of the World.” At that moment, I looked around, and knowing about the people of that church from what Ann writes in her blog post, it hit me, there is light in Louisville!

I felt bad. Convicted of my negative attitude. I repented quietly of my wrong. The rest of our trip was great. I met some wonderful people who are bearers of Light in Louisville. I will never forget this experience and be cautious ever again about labeling a city as dark.

“Thank you, God, for being patient with me and teaching me this valuable lesson lovingly. Again, I repent of my negative attitude toward Louisville, Kentucky. May you raise up more bearers of Light here and in every place worldwide.”

Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so.
James 3:10 (NKJV)

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

I Was Begging for God

Photo by: Timur Weber

I knew how life was supposed to be lived, but I struggled every day to meet that challenge. I failed to finish high school, failed at being a husband, and now, as a father. So I found myself, despite the weather, on the side of an off-ramp, begging for money.

I understood it was hard for passers-by to give. They didn’t know my story. I looked normal; therefore, they wondered why I didn’t have a job instead of sitting there. As if I liked doing it. They probably thought I was just lazy and didn’t know about the mental illness I struggled with, which made it difficult to concentrate. Employers expect so much, and I found it hard to remember what I should be doing—I needed help!

One bright and sunny Sunday morning, a couple waiting for a green light gave me a $10 bill. I remember thinking, “Oh wow, they’re generous.” The following Sunday, they did the same thing. Now they had my attention. Whether they knew or understood me, they reached out to help me. They gave me the ten dollars the third week and asked, “Hey, we’re on our way to church. Would you like to go with us? They have free snacks, good music, and you’ll hear a positive message from the word of God.” I replied, “Church people don’t want me in their building.” They quickly came back with, “Our church accepts everyone.” I thought, Why not? I could at least get some food and use the bathroom.

The people at this church were friendly, and they actually shook my hand. I used the bathroom, grabbed some snacks, and my hosts got some for me, also. We found our seats, and the service started. The music was loud, upbeat, and positive. I didn’t know the words, but I liked it. Then they took up the offering. But this church was different and announced that if you needed help, feel free to take any cash out of the bucket when it came by. I couldn’t believe what I had heard.

Then they showed a video of the senior pastor. He preached a message about love, God’s love, and how it was for anyone, even people like me. For the first time in my life, I felt hope. I responded to the pastor’s invitation to accept this loving God into my life. There were tears, but they were cleansing. After the service, my hosts had me meet the local branch pastor. I told him what I did, and he hugged me and welcomed me to the family of God. Then he paused, looked at me, and said the church had developed a new program to help people in my situation.

Now I have a job, working for the church, working for people that understand me and my struggles. I contacted my ex-wife, and she is happy for me. She is even considering allowing me to see my kids. I still see the couple who used to give me $10 but giving me the opportunity to hear a message from God was worth so much more than the money.

The above story flashed through my mind while sitting in church last Sunday. April and I had just given a man sitting on the side of an off-ramp $10. I suggested inviting him to church, and April wisely said, “Build up a relationship with him for a couple of weeks.” I’ve been praying for him and looking forward to the coming weeks. Who knows what can happen by meeting someone’s physical needs first? After doing so, they might be open to an invitation to come and hear about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. There are many ways to build the kingdom of God.

But how can people call for help if they don’t know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven’t heard of the One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it? Romans 10:14 (MSG)

“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him. John 3:16-18 (MSG)

Copyright © 2022 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

Telling The Truth Can Cost You

A father was acting out concerning a relationship. He was unhappy about how it was going, and the other person was not acting the way “he” wanted them to, which upset him to no end. There were some names spoken that were not flattering. The father talked about the situation over the phone with his son, and his son listened, but when he tried to correct his father’s attitude, the father got mad and hung up the phone. When the son called back again, he was rudely hung up on by his father.

The son’s motivation was pure as he wrote his father a letter. He tried to get his father to understand how he was treating people in several relationships and was pushing them away, and people did not want to be around him anymore. The son tried to tell his father the truth as lovingly as possible.

The father went ballistic and set out to get revenge on his son. He lied to his son and tricked him into going down to the bank to get him to sign a document that would remove him from all of his accounts and his safety deposit box. Then he removed his son from the deed to his house and even cut him out of his will. Apparently, he really did not like hearing the truth!

When Jesus walked the earth, he successfully told people the truth. Some heard him and accepted his message, changing how they lived, but others did not. They chose to get enraged.

People may not want to lose control over their life, so they will not accept the truth. Or they may fear not knowing what life will be like if they change. Others are deceived into thinking they are fine the way they are, and some feel they will lose status or power if they change. Then there are those who blame others for their actions instead of accepting the truth.

The truth is; the truth will set you free! (John 8:32)

I know of one pastor who won’t share with his wife what the word of God says about how marriage and the home should be set up. On this matter, he once told me, “You may be right, but you will be alone!” What he was saying is that “he” feared being alone if he dared to share the truth with his wife. The sad thing is the problem in their home of the wrong person being the head of the household transferred into their ministry. Whenever the home is not set up right, or the ministry, people get hurt! And in the case of their church, there is a very long list of people who have gotten hurt and have left. If the truth were accepted, their home life would be different, and the wall preventing their church from becoming a world leader would finally be lifted.

Yes, telling the truth can cost you. It could cost you thousands of dollars, your inheritance, a job, or family relationships It cost Jesus his life which is the ultimate price to pay for sharing the truth. Jesus wasn’t afraid of being alone. You may be isolated from friends and family, but you will live in freedom. If you find yourself alone, know that you are not, for you are in the company and presence of God.

Copyright © 2022 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

“Open?” (cont.)

Continuing about the church, or churches; a church really is about the people inside the walls. The structure only facilitates those people coming together to learn about God and worship him. They also learn about each other and some of those people model the early church in Acts Chapter 2.

I have recently become aware of one such group of people in Louisville, KY. They gather at Third Avenue Baptist Church. Don’t get bogged down by the name on the church building. That’s really just there so a new person can find the place. What really matters is the people inside and the attitude inside their hearts.

The people there genially care about each other. Whenever there is a need, any need, they respond. A fellow blogger told me when they first moved there, the day before Thanksgiving her refrigerator had a meltdown. An email went out to the people and by the end of the day, she had 6 offers either for a low-cost purchase or to use one free of charge. She went on to say they not only respond to when one needs assistance like meals for the sick, but also everyday things like rides to the airport.

This group of individuals is the church. The type of church Jesus inspired by the example of how He lived his life when he walked the earth. You see these people get it, and they demonstrate that they get it. They love God first and then they love their neighbor as themselves, and to them, everyone is their neighbor.

44 And all who believed (who adhered to and trusted in and relied on Jesus Christ) were united and [together] they had everything in common;
45 And they sold their possessions (both their landed property and their movable goods) and distributed the price among all, according as any had need.
46 And day after day they regularly assembled in the temple with united purpose, and in their homes they broke bread [including the Lord’s Supper]. They partook of their food with gladness and simplicity and generous hearts,
47 Constantly praising God and being in favor and goodwill with all the people; and the Lord kept adding [to their number] daily those who were being saved [from spiritual death]. Acts 2:44-47 (AMPC)

37 Jesus said to him, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 The second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. Mat. 22-37-39 (NET)

Copyright © 2022 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.