The Day Stephen Hawking Accepted God

Free will, to do what you want, say what you want, is a great gift from God.  It does come with a lot of responsibility though.  God took a risk giving us such freedom, but it opens the door for us to, of our own will, accept Him, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

God didn’t want little robots, programmed to serve him, but a being, like him, to choose him, as He has chosen us.  Stephen Hawking chose not to.  Below are his own words:

“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

Rom 14:11  Read it for yourself in Scripture: “As I live and breathe,” God says, “every knee will bow before me; Every tongue will tell the honest truth that I and only I am God.” (MSG)

Stephen Hawking died March 14, 2018.  March 14, 2018 is the day Stephen Hawking accepted God!  Oh how I would have preferred he had done it before he passed, but I do not know of the contrary.  I pray, all living men and women will accept God, and profess with their mouths that there is only one God.  That Jesus Christ is His son, and admit the Holy Spirit completes the Trinity.

So, that brings me to ask one question:  What day did you accept God?

Copyright © 2018 Mark Brady, All rights reserved