Why Church?

My earliest memories are sitting in the back pew of a church. I was four years old. I remember the minister preaching Truth hard and loud. Some would classify his sermons as “hell fire and brimstone.” He always explained that the wages of sin, is death. Eternal death in hell.

A few years later, I accepted Jesus into my heart. I can honestly say the pastor’s messages scared the hell out of me! Even at that young age, I knew I was a sinner. You see, I was a convicted cookie thief who would later lie about it. “Convicted” because I had been found guilty by my mother. I knew dishonoring my parents and lying were both wrong. They were sin. I had learned that in church.

We went every time the doors were open, it seemed. As a result, I witnessed many signs and wonders. People got healed, repented of their sins, and had significant reformations in their lives. I learned how to minister to people and how to witness to pre-Christians (unbelievers). I had friends who believed in God like I did. I got to know them through the fellowship events that were held. I saw the Spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. Therefore I saw the supernatural. I learned about tithing and what a joy it was to give.

The supernatural is to get people’s attention for what God wants to do next.

So, why church? Why is it important?

  • People can find God there and accept Him. (Jer. 29:13)
  • People can get prayed for and find healing. (Mark 16:18b)
  • People can find friends who will become a community with them. (Acts 2:46)
  • People can learn how to minister. (Eph. 4:11)
  • People can give their tithes cheerfully. (Mal. 3:10)
  • People can learn how God is relevant in their lives.

The church I wrote about in the beginning is still there and thriving. At least 56 years and counting. The church should preach the entire Word of God (The Bible). A good, balanced church will do and be all six things listed above. I should mention that by the time I was seventeen, I finally realized that it was about having a two-way relationship with God, and that was the real reason to accept him. Not just to have “Fire Insurance!” Meaning, not to only escape eternity in hell. Realizing this has made life with God an exciting adventure.

Do we still need churches? Yes! As long as they are doing the work of God, for God, by God’s power, for His Glory and kingdom.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

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